With the Peak Performance Golf Swing, we hit the ball relatively straight. I say relatively because it's okay to have a slight draw or fade on your golf shot, as long as you're landing the ball within 5-10 yards of where you were aimed. I hear it all the time at my golf schools. Students tell me they have to aim to the left because they know they're going to slice the ball. Well if you don't want to slice or hook the ball, then don't play for it! It's as simple as that.
DJ's playing partner at this week's AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am is reigning NFL MVP Aaron Rodgers. It's safe to say that the Green Bay Packer star knows a little bit about taking dead aim at his targets. His are usually running routes to get open, but the idea of being accurate is the same. If Aaron wants the best results, he's going to train and practice the techniques that are going to help him do that. Don't you want to hit it straight every time? Then start setting up to the ball with the intent of doing just that. Instead of compensating for a flaw in your golf swing, practice the right techniques that will get rid of the flaws for good.
Since you're now going to be hitting it straight, it's absolutely essential that your alignment is always correct. Hitting straighter balls will also give you better feedback on your alignment because if you hit a good shot but it missed your target, than you know it was an alignment issue. If you're playing for a hook or slice and you miss your target, there's no way of knowing if it was your alignment or a bad shot. So start taking dead aim and you'll start having more looks at birdies and pars!
After you've watched the video, let us know your pics for this year's AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am below.
Keep it vertical,
The Surge!
If you can't view the YouTube video above try CLICKING HERE. You must allow popups from this site for the link to work.
You have our prayers Doc.
You have our prayers Doc. Thanks for aloowing us to send our positive thoughts and prayersÃÂ for a good result for you and Vaughn.
D.J. and Aaron Rodgers,my
D.J. and Aaron Rodgers,my pick. Hope aaron is a plus one or he needs a moving van to get his handicap to the golf course.. D.J.ÃÂ will bring his game with him again and will play great again.ÃÂ
One point about the PPGS that
One point about the PPGS that always seems to be avoided is the relation at setup of the club shaft to the left arm as we move from the driver all the way through the wedges. The position of the ball in relation to the stance moves from the left instep to just back of center as we move from the driver to the wedges. Are the clubs designed with a face to shaft angle for us to set up to depending upon each individual club? It is very confusing watching you line up taking this into consideration. Please clarify.
I feel like you have renewed my hope of playing a respectable game of golf.
Thank you Surge!
Go DJ show them a clean pair
Go DJ show them a clean pair of heels.
Had a quick 9 holes and a little time on the practice ground. More good than bad. Strange find also,ie, a Pinnacle golf ball with a Long Horn Steer emblem on it and underneath,the words, " Badlands Las Vegas!!! hahahaha.
Used to go to the Football every Friday night at Wheelus Airbase in Tripoli, Libya. Never to be forgotten nights of fun and excitement. Soccer? a woosies game, heh heh heh.ÃÂ
ÃÂ Left in early 1966 after
ÃÂ Left in early 1966 after going down with Hepatitis : - (ÃÂ ÃÂ contracted from the sea they thought. The Dolphin Club was patronized by myself and one of my USAF friends. The steps up from the beach so wide at the top, in a wet suit you had to almost crawl up the last few yards hahaha.Had my left ear opened and grafted after perforating the ear drum diving in Libya.Went undetected until after I retired 35yrs later!!! Wonder if that affected my balance whilst swinging? hahaha. Used to support 'The Big Red One' on a Friday night. Most of my friends worked in the dental laboratory.
Now a confirmed Surgite. Did you ever remember the "Mokambo" night club in the city?
Different kind of swingers there hahahaha.
Happy memories, PMGAS MWag
ÃÂ The link worked when I
ÃÂ The link worked when I clicked on it.
True, my reference was more
True, my reference was more about your coment concerning money spent world wide and on wars we have no potential to win and that are not legally declared or agreed on - ie., Iraq. Did'nt mean to get into talk that is best suited for another blog, just a reference to your words and agreement.
Surge, timely video it's
Surge, timely video it's exactly what Iv'e been doing for the past 6 months, aiming to the right
to allow for drawing the ball. The positive aspect of my play is now I'm starting to hit
consistently down the right, so your message is timely in that It's time to take "Dead Aim".
Doc - You and Vaughan will be
Doc - You and Vaughan will be in my prayers.
Dick H
Did anyone catch the
Did anyone catch the interview with Alex Miceli on Golf Channels "On the Range" tonight?
He talked about DJ and his good play last week, his over all good play in the past at Pebble Beach. They talked about his putting and what he's doing noe differently and that he is working with a putting coach named Weeks??? I didn't get the name clear did any one else? I'm not sure that it's not the same coach DJ has already mentioned that he has been working with like the last 3 or 4 months on the short game.ÃÂ Did anyone catch the name? It's driving me nuts. I'd like to learn more about the guy. Maybe they'll mention iy again the next few days. Let's liston up. Or maybe Don will tell us.
ÃÂ I always wondered where
ÃÂ I always wondered where you got the name "polar bear".
"Likened" to Jack Nicklaus is pretty impressive. Sounds like golf is in your family.
None of my family ever played golf. That was just something that we knew that rich people did.
That's actually a big part
That's actually a big part oof what I'm working on. The visual is seeing my putter head finish more down the line and at the target. Not a bad thought throughout the bag actually.
Don great video lesson
great video lesson reminder great picture and sound on this end
I second what Rodger said, Amen brother.
"Spreading the wealth around" has been the death of EVERY great nation since the beginning of time.ÃÂ When 51% of the population can vote themselves a pay raise which is to be taken from the 49% it goes quickly down hill from there.
If you think health care is expensive now, just wait till it is free.ÃÂ Government does nothing well.ÃÂ If it would cost 20 million to provide something, then the government has to tax 30 million to cover fraud, waste, and buying votes.ÃÂ As Ronald Reagan said, "Government is never the solution to any problem, government is usually the problem.
Yes, our neighbors to the north have "free" medical care.ÃÂ But do you want to wait 18 months for an MRI, or be put on the "list" to wait until it is your turn if you need a hip replacement?ÃÂ I lived in Florida for 35 years.ÃÂ I can't tell you how many good friends I had from up there.ÃÂ They came down here for medical care.
I will close with this great retort from the "Iron Lady", Margret Thatcher, "The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money to spend."
Oh yes, just to tie it all into golf.ÃÂ The reason I love the PPGS is that it is much better for the body and does not hurt my back or knees.ÃÂ So, the Surge is doing his part to hold down our national health care bill.
Thanks Surge, you sir are a great American.
Just watched it.ÃÂ Kevin Weeks from Cog Hill.
I got there in April of 69
I got there in April of 69 and got my scuba cert. that summer.ÃÂ When fall came I sold the scuba gear and joined the rod & gun club.ÃÂ We had some great shoots there!ÃÂ I can see why you left, I was in the hospital with food poisoning for 3 days and only had eaten in the chow hall.ÃÂ I went to Tripoli a couple times on tours but never to a club, especially after Gadaffi came to power in July or August.ÃÂ I'm sold on the surge swing also.ÃÂ I have high hopes for this year, you know in golf hope springs eternal!ÃÂ Going to Myrtle Beach for a tournament called the Rift Valley Cup in May. It's really a fun time with lots of golf, we usually get in 36 a day. It's been great talking to you, it's brought back lots of good memories.
Thanks Surge, needed that
Thanks Surge, needed that uplift!!
Have not been out since Sunday, weather,ÃÂ :o(((ÃÂ Great video, hit them straight!!
Wishing DJ and Aaron the best this week!!ÃÂ Hope to get out some maybe next week if the weather????
Thanks again,
Ron Paul
Ron Paul
Wouldn't that be just the
Wouldn't that be just the ticket for the weekend. I noticed, after coming home in the wee hours Monday, and watching the replay that when CBS showed the final board not a mention of DJ in fourth. Not even an after thought but NanceÃÂ commented on how so & so and what's his name on the 2nd page of the board had good tournaments. Give me a break!
ÃÂ Great daily,by the way, Surge. Taking dead aim and playing target golf has been my mantra for a good while now. I've now concluded shift 16 of this nice long outage and plan on taking a day off around the 25-30 day mark for some relaxing time on the course. Now that I'm older and have a young son again, I see no need in trying to break my all time best string of 34 straight shifts. ;)
Stay in the Present!
Doc, sorry to hear that your
Doc, sorry to hear that your beloved Vaughn has to jump over yet another hurdle on her journey back to good health. She will remain in my daily prayers.
IÃÂ have much empathy for my American cousins who are preventened fromÃÂ playing golf for several months of the year, due to snow and ice on the courses. However, I really feel for those of you, and the American people in general, who have to rely on employer-sponsored health insurance.ÃÂ We who live in the land of Oz have no such worries. We can play golf all year round, andÃÂ if we get sick, we can accessÃÂ the best of treatment for free, through the Medicare system and the public hospitals. All it takes is the political will to introduceÃÂ the system, which is funded byÃÂ a modest income tax levy.
I know that health care it is a political hot potato in the USA. I am apolitical as far as the USAÃÂ is concerned. However, at the risk of offending those surgites who lean to the political right, I submit that it is not "god damned communism" for a government to be involved in good health care for its citizens.
Being seriously ill is bad enough, without the added burden of not being able to afford payment for treatment. It is right and proper for the strong and healthy to support the weak and sick...and that's how it should be until the end of time. The last man standing will miss out, but by then, it will not matter.
Hang in there, Doc, you and your Vaughn have a lot of good people supporting you both.
It never fails to amaze me, why people do not even consider camera angles.
ÃÂ It's more like a
ÃÂ It's more like a dessicated longhorn skull emblem, DH. ;-) Clearly you have a world traveler playing your course.
I perfer that to todays most
I perfer that to todays most over used words, "Look" we need to blah blah blah.
All the politicians love to start any rebuttle with "look".
I do miss Ronald and the America that was.
Rooting for DJ & Aaron all
Rooting for DJ & Aaron all the way!
Hey Robert,
Hey Robert,
If ANY politician ever actually did what needs to be done there would be riots in the streets and close to civil war.
We are already way too addicted to government support and there is no pleasant end to it. At this point it's only a question of when and how unpleasant.
What has gone on in Greece over the last two years is nothing compared to what we'll have when the addicted no longer receive the free ride.
ÃÂ Robert, I've been staying
ÃÂ Robert,
I've been staying up a little later of late, so I watched the program. As Lynn stated, he says the name rather quickly to pick up the first name, but the last is definitely Weeks from Cog Hill. The only Weeks at Cog Hill is Kevin. It sounded to me like he was saying Ted or Tad, but it must be Kevin. Here's a link.
One of the best videos you
One of the best videos you did was when you had recovered from your heart surgery.ÃÂ You went through all of your clubs.ÃÂ I must have watched it fifty times.ÃÂ It helped me alot.ÃÂ Could you repeat that or retrieve the video?
I'm hoping that DJ's
I'm hoping that DJ's confidence train keeps on rolling and teaming up with a MVP now that's gotta be a good thing :-)
I enjoyed watching the superbowl game with the great skills, hard hits and drama on display, everything you want from a good footy game. ÃÂ ÃÂ
Being an Aussy and not up to speed with the nuances of the game I was curious about the Giants late touchdown after the 2 minute warning. ÃÂ ÃÂ It looked like the Patriots defence parted like the biblical Red Sea on purpose and the Giants running back fell over into the end zone almost with an embarrassed look on his face - the darndest thing. ÃÂ
I know that the Giants were trying to run the clock down and slot a late field goal and I was curious as to whether like in Rugby League there is a "voluntary tackle" rule where you are penalised if you deliberately go to ground without a defender touching you and make no effort to promote the football. ÃÂ The commentators said something like if he had dropped to the ground short of the end zone then the defence would have tackled him into the end zone anyway. ÃÂ ÃÂ The Patriots got the ball back with enough time to make a last ditch effort and if it wasn't for a couple of fumbled receptions might have gone close to snatching a win in the final seconds.
I think Paul only said that
I think Paul only said that making fun of the original one that said it.
A statement that insensitive about other people's money isn't the way he would feel about it.
The reason it is a statement to be mocked is that it's ALL real money, doesn't take "a few billion here and a few billion there" to make it real.
Edit: Here is the original quote.
"A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon it adds up to real money."
Senator Everett Dirksen
I noticed, and the linked for
I noticed, and the linked for me as well, that Coach Saban is going off a few groups behind DJ and plays to an 11. Not to shabby for a busy grinder work ethic such as he.
ÃÂ I get no thrill
ÃÂ I get no thrill whatsoever out of paying $800 a month for health insurance but we have a much bigger problem in this country than can be solved by "a modest income tax levy".
There are way too many reasons for the mess to discuss on this blog but two fairly big ones are that there are many of "the strong" that don't work and their families haven't worked for generations while many of "the weak" were trying to make a living to support them and their 9 kids with health care, food stamps, and almost anything else you could imagine.
The other is the billions we dole out all around the world in foreign aid and military support with money that we don't have to give.
Take a look at this link and pay attention to the bottom column on unfunded liabilities just from the social programs and giveaways that we already have.
No modest tax increase will cover it here.
In this case I think Mike
In this case I think Mike hadn't studied the ball position and maybe thought it was supposed to be back there because it does look that way.
Most of the time the people know what Surge teaches but are trying a "gotcha". ;-)
Of course there are two older posts so who knows?
Benefit of the doubt I guess.
:-) ÃÂ You caught me out Bob
:-) ÃÂ You caught me out Bob, like my long lost twin brothers Rex and Rob Ryan I do like a good "football" game (just click on my my name to watch some golf shots of mine, I'm just a balder, anorexic version of my brothers). ÃÂ Just because from the age of six I knew that I wanted to be the head coach of the Chicago Bears but, instead, they sent me down under to be the coach of the North Sydney Bears Rugby League team - but alas it didn't eventuate and they were kicked out of the league :-( ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ
(just joshing with you Robert)
Doc,ÃÂ Prayers go out to you
ÃÂ Prayers go out to you and your wife. God has a plan for you.
ÃÂ I think he is around a 7.
ÃÂ I think he is around a 7.....But since they got beat early he's had a little extra time to practice this year.
LOL!!!!Might as well laugh
Might as well laugh about it. ;-)
Some of the countries with "free" health care are getting most, or all, of their national defense expenses paid by us.
It's like when they want to bail out the guy that bought a half million dollar house because he can't make the payments and use my money to do it with while I live in my little $17,000 junk pile of a house. Something is very wrong there.
There are a number of situations where the player can cause a "voluntary tackle." There is no penalty for any of these acts.
(1) The quarterback can simply take a knee after the ball is hiked. This is generally done at the end of the game when the team ahead has the ball and the other team cannot stop the clock.
(2) Any player can slide feet forward. This is also typically done by the quarterback to avoid injury. Once a player begins to execute a slide the other team is not permitted to hit him.
(3) A player can declare himself down by falling to the ground or kneeling, and makes no effort to advance the ball.
(4) A player can run out of bounds. A player will generally avoid this at the end of the game if he is trying run time off of the clock since stepping out of bounds will stop the clock.
I was supposed to play Pebble
I was supposed to play Pebble once with my brothers (my oldest brother's reception was being held there the next day), but lots of extra family wanted to play so we ended up at the Navy-Marine course nearby. Probably best, considering how much alcohol we'd all consumed the night before. ;-)
Sorry about my spelling. I
Sorry about my spelling. I did not proof read. Almost as bad as not haveing good alignment.ÃÂ HaHa
Don't know if watching this
Don't know if watching this stuff is good for me or not. I've already out spent my limits on equiptment improvement. Though that won't completely limit me from future purchases. Guess I'm guilty of spending my retirement money early(long before retirement). Anyway here is some more tempting goodies from this years PGA show. My favorites that I will likely have to do without are better fit wedges and putter by David Edel/Mike Adams
Here'e an interview that includes my PPGS fitter Lieth AndersonÃÂ (my fitter) at the 2012 PGA show Surge attended. He's the gentleman on the right and the topic of wedges picks up around the 5 minuteÃÂ mark.
ÃÂ ÃÂ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v...
ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ I did not get as detailed (and expensive) as wedge fitting from him when I was fit last summer. Though not totally disapointed, it is both the putter and the wedges that I would get a more detailed fitting if possible. Meanwhile I'm doing fine :)
Of course the options are really only available to those with big bank accounts. Kind of fun to look at all the stuff out there while we realise that it still comes down to what my Dad always said,"It don't mean a thing if you ain't got the swing".
No blank spot in my video;
No blank spot in my video; perhaps it's been amended since the first comments. I did notice the picture moved fractionally left at 5:51 or so but the audio is seamless so it seems the camera moved slightly. Maybe it realised it wasn't aligned correctly. ;-)
Must go out tomorrow and work on the big A. Got two competition rounds with two brothers in law the first week in March at Waitara, Taranaki. Then two rounds at our respective courses in Auckland at a date to be decided. Now, if I an just follow DJ's example in climbing the leader board.
ÃÂ You can indeed go
ÃÂ You can indeed go straight back and through while the club head does its slight arc.
The club shaft can "plane" as I call it with the base of the plane being the aim line. I never monitor where the club head is going, just whether or not it is having unwanted rotation on the axis of the shaft.
I have found that "planing" the putt results in a high degree of accuracy from achieving the on-on-on motion with the stroke.
Amen Brother.
Amen Brother.
Half the world is going broke because of social programs. The ones that need it cant get it and the ones that do not need it get..
I did not watch it, but, it
I did not watch it, but, it is set for rebroadcast at 12am and 1am my time, if it is the same one. I have set the DVR, thanks for the update.
Surge, Why not hit it
Surge, Why not hit it straight? Because I can not every time. Never out of play, but coming inside on the down swing is just not a natural body movement. Even when I think I am coming down inside my divot tells me I did not.
ÃÂ A slice cost 25 plus yards and that some times takes the par out of golf.
ÃÂ Hmmm. Don't know why but
ÃÂ Hmmm. Don't know why but I didn't have the "black" spot.
(Unless I just somehow fell asleep for 10 seconds). Ha ha!
Wouldn't surprise me.
ÃÂ Coach
ÃÂ Coach
If they would look for other things it would tell them where the camera is set up.ÃÂ They would notice they can see the right side (as you are looking at it from the front) of the vertical post on Surge's podium, but none of the left side.ÃÂ They would notice that you see more of the left side of Surge's face than his right side.
As the good book says, they have eyes, but do not see, they have ears, but do not hear.ÃÂ They have clubs, but can not hit a ball.ÃÂ I am not sure what book that last part can be found in, but it has to be in there somewhere.
Another great video Surge!!!Ã
Another great video Surge!!!ÃÂ ÃÂ My dear son-in-law has a HUGH slice, and always plays lined up about 45* left of the target line for the driver and all his woods!ÃÂ Drives me crazy but it's fun to watch :-))ÃÂ ÃÂ We play two man best ball against several of his co-workers, and he always has me hit "a safe shot" first, then he whacks the snot out of the ball.ÃÂ Most of the time, the slice is there, but if he accidently hits it straight the ball ends up two fairways to our left.ÃÂ I've tried to teach him the Surge Swing, butÃÂ he really prefers the slice-shot since he's been using it for 20 years.ÃÂ ÃÂ Man, this game is just so much fun !!!ÃÂ Also, no doubt about it - my pick for the week is DJ & Aaron.ÃÂ The way DJ played last week, he is primed for another really good week.ÃÂ GO DJ!!!ÃÂ R2ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ
Damn lawyers...
Damn lawyers...
In all seriousness, I am sorry to hear that. I'm sure it will work out for you. You will be in my prayers.
Good. My faith in computers
Good. My faith in computers is briefly restored :)