About six weeks ago, I spotted this comment on the blog from Mirthon Manon, a fellow Bay Stater who has been learning the Peak Performance Golf Swing since the fall of last year. Here's what Mirthon asked:
"Good morning.
When I tried the 'mentality' of swing up I was constantly 'thinning' the ball and or topping it right in to the ground."
By the time I came across his question, frequent commentator Robert Fleck had already posted a very good answer. I tell you, as many of you who read the blog often know, it's hard to beat Robert to the answer when someone needs golf swing relief. He's so fast he would give Speedy Alka-Seltzer a run for his money! Anyway, here's what he had to say:
" Most likely you're jumping forward and losing your spine angle before impact. The arc of the swing in the area of the ball is not that much different from a rotational swing except that it doesn't go as deeply into the ground and stays relatively on the target line for a longer time. The Pop-Tart AFAP is AFTER impact. If you pop before impact you will top or thin the ball much of the time."
Mirthon, Robert is most certainly correct in his diagnosis. Login to your account on www.swingsurgeon.com and go back to your copy of the PPGS Swing Series and review the section on The Five Secrets, and particularly Secret #4: Swing Up To The Finish. (My staff tells me that you haven't logged in to our new site yet so if you need help re-establishing your viewing privileges contact Customer Support by emailing them at support@swingsurgeon.com.)
You must maintain your spine angle in all 4 dimensions throughout your backswing and the first part of your forward upswing. That means you can't move forward or back, or lean to the front or or sway back on your right side. Imagine that the center of your swing is a spot on your sternum, just below your neck. As you swing the club back to the toe line and then forward again, that spot cannot lose its place in space--everything must revolve around it UNTIL impact when you must Stand UP AFAP. The goal is to make sure our arms swing up to the finish and are chased by our body. Our definition of timing is the proper sequential movement of the parts of the body. From what you've described, it sounds like you have a timing problem. Fix that so that you maintain a constant center of your swing until a split second after impact and you will find that you'll be hitting more solid shots and be well on your way to lowering your scores.
Keep it vertical!
The Surge
If you can't view the YouTube video above try CLICKING HERE. You must allow popups from this site for the link to work.
Don another great video.
Don another great video.
This is off topic.
Don I just got done watching the working the ball video. I have to say that this is some of your best work IMHO. Your approach to the lessons in this video kept me in my chair and kept my attention through the entire video. Very well put together. You kept it simple and to the point easy for anybody to understand. This wasÃÂ the approach that I took with these shots before I got sucked into the rotational swing which basically took me from a 8 handicap to a 16 in about 2 months time and have been fighting up until early this year when I got seriously into to your method. I seriously thought about quitting golf because of the pain I played through last year this year no pain and my swing is starting to settle in a little and constantly shooting in the mid to upper 70's.
I am looking forward to watching the situational shots video. ÃÂ ÃÂ
Roger - what part of KY are
Roger - what part of KY are you from- I'm in far west KY
Great video Don, this should
Great video Don, this should help me out a lot and make me more consistent as I am sure I have not been keeping a steady spine angle pre impact. Hence a relapse recently with bad shots. I have just also fully clicked with the rock on a string concept!
Thanks Keith Kent
It's what we say in the world
It's what we say in the world of sports to designate that we are a fan of that team. If you are a Redbirds fan they are your team too.
I can't remember a more unlikely comeback on a season. 10 1/2 games out of the wild card at the end of August, squeak into the playoffs, make it to the Series, down to the last strike and down by 2 runs twice in game 6, and come back to win it all.
Way to go Robert M.
Way to go Robert M.
I'm glad to hear that you have discovered the draw.ÃÂ I too, have been working with the draw, but have had some trouble with the driver.ÃÂ I have relegated it to the bag, and am hitting my 3 wood off of the tee on almost every hole.ÃÂ I've been hitting some bombs with it.
The Cleveland tour van was at the college today, and out at the range during the afternoon.ÃÂ It was very interesting to see them use a new machine that they had developed for bending irons.ÃÂ It is a portable machine which is powered by a dewalt 18 volt drill.ÃÂ Incredibly accurate, and can bend the lie angle without affecting the loft.
I've always suspected that my seven iron was off, so I had them throw it on the machine to measure the loft.ÃÂ I also had them do the same thing with my six and eight, and sure enough.ÃÂ Six - 29 degrees, Seven - 32.5 degrees, Eight - 37.5 degrees.ÃÂ My seven was off by quite a bit.ÃÂ They were afraid to bend it back for me though, because they didn't have the data for the Adams casting.ÃÂ ÃÂ I'll track down the info during the coming week, and maybe they will bend it for me next weekend.
I got to put my hands on a Mayakama driver shaft today, ($300 per copy.)ÃÂ It only weighed 45 grams.ÃÂ I'm gonna start saving my spare change so I can buy one for my next driver project.ÃÂ Maybe I'll try it out down at Stadium Golf, just to stir up a little magic controversy ;0)
I also got to meet Tom Addis this week.ÃÂ He is the former President of the PGA.ÃÂ A pretty nice guy.ÃÂ One of his sons is the Assistant GM at Soboba Springs, and his other son designs and builds golf courses in Asia.ÃÂ The contacts I'm making here at college seem to be very impressive.ÃÂ I hope they lead someplace really cool after I graduate.
I missed the cut for the semester championships.ÃÂ I had a couple of pretty ugly rounds and finished way back in the pack.ÃÂ Oh well, I'll get'em next time.
I better wuit goofing off, and do some studying.ÃÂ I have a couple of big projects due this coming week.ÃÂ I'll keep you posted on my ongoing adventure at The Professional Golfers Career College.
Hit'em Long and Straight,
BobNorthern KyÃÂ 5 minutes
Northern KyÃÂ 5 minutes south of Cincinnati, Oh.ÃÂ
Congrats to the Cards!!
Congrats to the Cards!!
I remember in Vegas, there were 3 or 4 Cards fans that were checking the score boards regularly to see if the Cards would even make the post season.
What a run.
Try playing Ken McDonald.
Try playing Ken McDonald. Greens pretty fast for over seeded, carts on the fairways @ 90 angle. Overseeded fairways are still pretty lame, my last drive backed up 18" and gained a lot of mud on it. There were a couple of fairways that actually rolled out a bit. Over all not bad for two weeks open after over seeding.
Great stuff keep it up. But be patient lower scores are just around the corner.
My wife and I stopped at
My wife and I stopped at Mineral Mound state park and played a round last year. I plan to stop there again when we go back up that way.
I shot a 75 but I feel like I owe the course another try because there were many holes that I didn't know what to hit off of the tee, and I didn't have that course on my GPS.
That is great Robert. I need
That is great Robert. I need to get the 2 new videos as well and start working on the draw.
Our local courses closed for the winter last week so I will have more time to think about the new techniques. I am headed to Phoenix for a week of golf in mid-November then 5 months of no golf.
Keep up with the progress, and PMG
Steve Smith:
Steve Smith:
ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ I'm with you Brother --- all in good fun!!ÃÂ LOL
Cinderella is alive and well.
Cinderella is alive and well.
My St. Louis Cardinals are WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!
Steve Smith:
Steve Smith:
ÃÂ what do you mena YOUR Cardinials ? LOL -- I am the guy that lived across the strret from the old Sportman's Park in 1947 (when I was 5 years old) !!ÃÂ ÃÂ my parents managaed a majorÃÂ parking lot in those years.ÃÂ
ÃÂ ÃÂ keep hitting them STRAIGHT and LONG
ÃÂ ÃÂ Amos
ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ I was playing several times at Western Skies and once at San Marcos.ÃÂ I was going to try Ken McDonald or Dobson Ranch -- but the online tee times was not working.ÃÂ ÃÂ Western if 90* now also -- and San Marcos will be later this coming week -- probably Wednesday or Friday.
Roger, I picked up the combo
Roger, I picked up the combo package of the working the ball & situational shots this morning. I made it to the driver segment this morning before I finally got to tired to hold my eyes open and went to bed.I couldn't agree with you more from what I've seen of them so far and after I catch up with this blog I'll finish watching them both. Nicely put together andÃÂ so easy to follow and understand Surge's methods.
Happy Golfing
Robert Meade:
Robert Meade:
ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ Don't you jsut LOVE overseeding time? lolÃÂ ÃÂ Around here it means lush wet fariways and fuzzy greens, with CPO for about two weeks.
ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ When one is a short hitter to begin with, the wet fairways where your drive stops like a 7 or 8 iron into a green,ÃÂ really hurts!ÃÂ I did find out one thing though -- I am very consistenly carrying about 140 to 150 on the drives.
ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ Last two times out, I hit 11 of 14 fariways, 0 greens but had 30 putts both times to shoot 88 and 89 respectively -- with total length of made putts in the 65 -70 foot range.ÃÂ Not too bad considering the "mix" of grasses -- new rye and not yet dormant Bermuda.
ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ The most unusual occurence was playing the back nine with 8 straight bogies and a lone par on 18.ÃÂ On almost all of the holes, except the par 3's. it was taking me one extra shot to get the green - even playing from the red tees! :<((
ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ Keep hitting them STRAIGHT and LONG
dgaines :
dgaines :
ÃÂ ÃÂ Where abouts in Phoenix?ÃÂ ÃÂ Maybe we can get together?
Robert, congrats my friend,
Robert, congrats my friend, on the added distance and better control with the driver playing the draw. Continued success with your game, I'm planning on getting out this weekend depending on which day Josh goes to his Nanna's.
Very cool life on campus
Very cool life on campus Robert. Thanks for keeping us updated. As for the draw,ÃÂ I actually amÃÂ primarily using thisÃÂ with my driver rather than the other clubs (ie., irions and woods). I think the fact that it is sitting up on a tee helps alot. In general I am only consistently using this draw method on the tee with the driver.ÃÂ Most other shots I use the normal "hit it straight" idea unless I am behind a tree or something. We have perfect golf weather here now. I know, in So. Cal it is almost always golf weather!
Oh, based on both Surges and T. Medley's advice I bought a 24 pack of Precept Laddies golf balls. We'll see next time out hoe they feel.
Steve.....Congrats on Cards
Steve.....Congrats on Cards comeback being 10 out...What a game 1!....I'm a BIG baseball fan. ÃÂ Have season tickets to Cubs.
Enjoy your World Series...Beware....We now have Theo Epstein!
We are going to now give you a run for your money!.....lol
Tee On 13 Golf
I notice that whenever Don
I notice that whenever Don uses an iron on his video's, it looks like the ball position is way back in his stance and almost even with the inside of his right foot. Is this a bad angle from the camera? He always stated to be in the middle for irons and off the left heel for drivers...Can you clarify this for me....ÃÂ ÃÂ
Surgites I beg of you 3
Surgites I beg of you 3 things:
1. Please use an IOTA of common sense! ÃÂ Don will ALWAYS practice what he teaches! ÃÂ These videos are home videos, made with a personal video camera, in Don's backyard. ÃÂ Don sets the camera up on a tripod and then he shoots his videos. ÃÂ There is no one there to zoom in, give different angles, or pan around. ÃÂ That means that there may be some distortion, but rest assured Don is practicing what he teaches and not trying to screw you up.
2. ÃÂ Read the previous comments before making your own, as you are likely asking a redundant question if you are not one of the first comments on that daily blog. ÃÂ As an example, this question about the placement of the ball in Don's stance has been asked AT LEAST A DOZEN TIMES ALREADY (on this daily and many others since Don started coming to us from the backyard), and answered at least as many times.
3. ÃÂ As one very wise Surgite said in another of the daily video blogs just recently, "Remember these blog videos are not the tools to help you learn the PPGS, they are there as extra snippets, reminders or tweaks that Surge wants to freely share." ÃÂ If you sincerely want to learn the basics of the PPGS, buy the Foundations Manual and Video! ÃÂ Everything you could ever want to know about the PPGS is in there! ÃÂ Then once you have mastered the swing and are ready to advance your game further, add to your video collection with the putting and shaping shots videos. ÃÂ But Surge is not going to spoon feed you all his teachings for free, and should not be expected to do so.
Thank you!
Surge:When I watch your shots
When I watch your shots in the back yard driving range it looks like whatever club you are hitting, the ball is almost just inside the ÃÂ heel of your back foot ÃÂ whereas I hit from the middle with short irons and towards the front foot with long irons and the driver. ÃÂ I would appreciate your input.
Meant game six (6)!
Meant game six (6)!
Gwkievits, Check my answer to
Gwkievits, Check my answer to the first blog of the day, on this same topic, to David Myehill, of Castle Rock,CO
ms tipThank you for imput in
ms tip
Thank you for imput in the the sutations covered in your answer to the many people that question what they see. They mean well but they are humanÃÂ and as humans are they will jump to and question ÃÂ any opitcal allusion they see. I totally agree with you and your answer . I think you have gotten the point across.
Have a good weekend.
David, Castle Rock. Surge
David, Castle Rock. Surge advocates the centre of the stance for LW-7iron inclusive. Other clubs in small incriments with only about half a ball width further forward on each club.There is a little wiggle room to whatever works best for the individual after trial and error.
On your comment on where he plays the ball,it is purely and simply camera angle alone which gives the impression that he is playing the ball further back. PMG and Succeed.
Ha ha! Yeah it is a new
Ha ha! Yeah it is a new century.
My wife is a big Cubs fan and I always give her that old line about "anyone could have a bad century".
They should have never kicked that goat out of the stadium.
They are great aren't they! I
They are great aren't they! I am still trying to hit consistently straight though LOL before I attempt them!
Work in progress, will I ever reach this point of few bad shots and fairly straight?
Hmmm time will tell, still early days though for me,ÃÂ 14 months ago started golf;13 months with PPGS.
ÃÂ I've been using the Laddies and Wilson 50's. However, I also discovered an even lower compression softer ball which seems to be even better in the cooler weather and is an inexpensive choice. The Nike Karma is also supposed to be a softer 50 compression ball.
Surge,Certainly agree that
Certainly agree that maintaining my spine angle and staying centered until after contact is key to centered contact and good shots. Played our muni today. They just re opened the front nine recently after reseeding. Any how had a mixed bag shooting an 89. Too many missed putts. Oh I made a few and hit some long ones close so wasn't all bad. Had a few in the 4-6 foot range that avoided the hole! On a positive note, I had another good day off the tee. I haveÃÂ been using Surges suggested ideas fron his working the ball video. I've honestly added about 25-30 yards and am finding the fairway more often. Shot of choice off the tee? Draw. Now keep in mind I have always faded or sliced the ball most of the last 40 years of golfing. Tried alot of ways to overcome it but now I'm getting some consistency. The biggest challenge with the draw(or baby hook) is having the confidence to aim right and trust it will come back to the middle. It has taken some practce at the range and golf course but boy did I hit some long (for me) today. I had 9 irons and pw into greens that normally I might still need a 5 iron or 5 wood. My average over the last 2 years (before the recent change)ÃÂ ÃÂ was around 230 yards. Today I was between 250-270. One was about 285, hit and ran like a rabbit. Now I can hear Surge cautioning me because we know you can "talk to a fade but a hook won't liston", but I know a short club is much better than a long one if you can pull it off. The key for me is that most of them were in the fairway. Again it takes practice and trust about where you want it to start(aim) and finish. Fun continues.
Hi Robert,
Hi Robert,
I agree with you on the T shot routine. I do the same thing, except I have been hitting my 3 wood off of the T instead of the driver.
Hit'em Long and Straight,
Good going, cannot wait
Good going, cannot wait myself to be in a postion to practice working the ball, got to hit them consistently straight though before I do.
Cheers Keith
Amos, Wellington in New
Amos, Wellington in New Zealand is renowned for being windy. Recently it has been wet and lush as you describe. Your description of the ball stopping like a 7 or 8 iron, sparked memories of yesterdays holes played. Finding your ball in the middle of the fairway plugged in after a drive, was more like a SW stop! The reason I comment, is you have stirred my febrile brain. I know that my length has diminished but, you have given me hope, as we approach SUMMER here! Yeeeeehaaaa! After making an ad hoc pad for my right hand covered by aÃÂ winter glove [reversed] on the offending right paw, played almost a whole round. A handful of good drives ending on the short stuff. Accuracy on the shorter clubs saved my bacon. Chipped in twice and had 9, yes nine on putts.Most of the fairway wood shots were just short but on the pin.Will be interesting to see how much I will have to dial back for the harder fairways and greens ; - )
There is no doubt, that Surge and the PPGS credo has made me THINK a lot more.My wife says,"too much a lot of the time", heh heh heh. The second hole set me on fire. Par 3 with a ridge before the elevated green, tree overhanging on the right. Tee shot faded a tad and ended on the right side down slope, under the hanging branches.So not possible to drop one like a mortar round. In the end hit what seemed to be a so-so chip into the bank of the green. It hopped up onto the edge of the green 20feet short of the pin. Slotted the putt, for par.Never looked like going anywhere else. That started the 9 single putts total.Didn't play one hole and a half. The hole runs parallel to the National Rifle Association Range, and they were in full throat yesterday.Dropped a ball on the Par 5 just to the rear of where they were shooting from and dropped a 5W over the drain onto the green. Never missed a chance to practice at least one shot on that hole.At the end wrestled the putting challenge back off my wife. Had her playing with a different putter [crafty old soul that I am, heh heh heh]. Imagine the look on my face when she slotted the first putt from 15'feet!! She keeps my on my toes, in so many ways. She was only wrong on one hole yesterday. Aim for that tree she said off the tee. I did and HIT the darned thing hahahaha.
Keep Hitting themÃÂ STRAIGHT and LONG [and avoid trees ; - ]
Wow Robert!!!Keep that up and
Wow Robert!!!
Keep that up and you are going to be hitting them past the big boys before long. ;-)
Amos,One of my chums owns a
One of my chums owns a house in Maricopa. We will be there from the 12 -16 of November. He is going to book the courses, I'm not sure where. He has mentioned the Duke (his home course) Poston Butte, Ocotillo, and Ahwautukee. But not sure what days.
I can try to let you know closer to then, when we are playing. We will need a 4th if you are interested.
People can you stop going on
People can you stop going on about ball position and look at the manual or go search top right.
These are not videos about ball position and I can assure he is not playing all balls from the inside of his back foot, the fact that it may look like he is must tell you something.
It will be every difficult to view ball postions with the camera angle, even though the camera is pointing at him do you really expect him to align himself properly to the camera and the practice net. If you do have the manual then you should know better and know Dons advice on ball positions.
Remember these blog videos are not the tools to help you learn the PPGS, they are there as extra snippets, reminders or tweaks that Surge wants to freely share.
Personelly I think he gives too much, if it was me I would have 3 areas, a totally free starter area with tasters of the videos, then if a purchase has been made full access to the blog and videos and then you have the paying inner circle if you choose.
So I guess sort of like a two tier inner circle.
Rant over :-)
Cheers KeithÃÂ ÃÂ
ÃÂ ÃÂ The fairways I speak of play more like they are 4 inch thick wet sponge rubber, i.e. the ball lands, take a short hop and a very short roll. Doesn't seem to matter whether the ball is hit hit, medium or low -- similar results, altough the high drive will carry a bit further and giveÃÂ more distance. But at least the ball seldom plugs or cocmes up muddy!
ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ The tendency at overseeding time os to "pour on the water and spare the mowers"ÃÂ on both the fairways and the greens, and to raise the mower heads slightly also, such that the fairway plays more like normal "light rough" and the greens are a bit fuzzy also.
ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ I look forward to about 10 days when things will be back to normal around here!ÃÂ Firmer fairways and closely mowed greens -- and no more Cart Path Only!
ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ Regarding you NRA rifle range --ÃÂ I learned to play golf on a course built in a valley beneath and to the end of a major airport - the landing light towers neatly divided the nines.ÃÂ When you learn to tune out the jets coming and going at any time, noise becomes a non-factor. ÃÂ
ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ keeping them STRAIGHT and LONG -- and definitely avoid the trees!
ÃÂ ÃÂ Amos