A Surgite's New Driver

Mon, 08/01/2011 - 21:50 -- Don Trahan

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the many comments that came out of my video yesterday on how to pick a new driver. It'€™s very heartening to hear from so many people that come to this site everyday looking for that little nugget that will help make them better golfers. I would also like to give a special shout out to all the ladies that are beginning to post comments on the blog. Please keep it up-your contributions are greatly appreciated.

Today'€™s video touches on several topics that we'€™ve talked about recently'€”driver evaluation, what to expect from a good club fitter and the importance of consistently landing the ball in the fairway'€”but this time you'€™ll hear it from a fellow Surgite.

As you'€™ll see, I am joined by Greg MacDonell, my Head Instructor for Swing Surgeon Golf, and Dick Higgins, one of Greg'€™s students, who plays out of The Landings in Savannah, GA. Dick drove over to Old South to show Greg the brand new driver his club fitter had just built for him.

We first met Dick last year during our First Annual Swing Surgeon Golf Classic that we held here at Old South. Let me tell you, this guy is quite an inspiration. Dick is 73 years young, he's in great shape, and can still smack the ball pretty hard. But more importantly, he is not consumed by an overriding need for distance. He'€™s more concerned about good course management than wanting to blast his way onto (and perhaps through) the fairway. And that'€™s why he shoots in the low 80s.

Check out his swing'€”it'€™s pretty darn good!

Keep it vertical!

The Surge

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Robert Bgolfer2 Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Bgolfer2... (not verified) on

On that note, is there any hope of recovering the pre 2011 daily videos?

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

Randy, The lead tape, or, I prefer the lead pre-measured/weighted stick on lead tabs, available at most golf stores, will be placed on the bottom of your driver. Where on the bottom is decided by you or your pro, depending on the type of ball flight you are trying to achieve. Towards toe to correct a hook problem. Towards heel to correct a slice problem. Towards back for more height and towards front to reduce height. The added weight will cause that particular area to slightly drag or square at a slower rate than the lighter area of the club head. I suggest you just do some range experimenting to see what location gives you the best results. Here are some initial guideline on proper weight amounts for the length amount removed, and an article  by Don on the subject. 

1/2" is equal to 3 swing weights. Each swing weight is equal to
about 2gr. So, 1/2" is approximately 6gr.


Roy Reed's picture

Submitted by Roy Reed (not verified) on

Tony:  Being a new Surgite, one of the best things you can do is get  the instruction manual and video series (all instant downloads) and start studying them as much as possible.  If you have any questions, just post them on our blog and you will receive excellent help from the "regulars" here.  Once you learn the basics of the swing, you will find that a lot of your physical problems will go away because of the "body-friendly" nature of this remarkable swing!  Remember to focus on the basics of the swing, or GBSAPS (Grip, Ball position, Stance, Alignment, Posture and Swing).  Good luck and please let us know how things are going.  R2

Tom Jans's picture

Submitted by Tom Jans (not verified) on


The stoppage was not intentional. We have so many structural things going on behind the scenes to improve site performance that this is something we just plain overlooked. We will reinstate the alternate player with today's daily when we publish it a bit later. Thanks for reminding us!

Tom Jans

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

I know they're hard at work on it, Robert.

And, thanks for an enjoyable 9 this morning. I'll stay focused on my first and last drives, and a few of those other nice shots. Congratulations on parring 18 finally. Well played.

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

Ron, I had not noticed until you mentioned it, but I do realize how important the flash player is to those unable to get UTube, especially for some of our far eastern members. I suggest you contact support through the site link to make a specific inquiry that will be directly responded to. Just click on the support link at the very bottom of the blog page and it will link you up. Good luck

Tony Down Under's picture

Submitted by Tony Down Under (not verified) on

Roy: Thanks and I have purchased the videos and the manual and have been busily studying them all. I am from down under and where I play we have an 18 hole oiled sand green course with about 10 - 12 players each week end. I am determined to have the basics of the swing down pat before I head off to Pebble Beach in september and I thought the video today and the tip about using the wall were both excellent - can't wait to get home after work today to try both of them out. Man am I so looking forward to being able to hit the ball on Fairway - we have lots of bush on most of our fairways and if you pull or slice it usually costs you a ball or at least 2 shots! Thanks for your reply and I do look forward to having a swing that not only brings the enjoyment back into the game but also allows me to walk around afterwards!!

Rhig1's picture

Submitted by Rhig1 (not verified) on

Booger - Thanks for the compliment. Anythung worth having is worth working for. My goal is to be in the single digit HCP range again, and I believe I can do it. About a two and ahalf month set back with the physicle problem but I am determined. With alot of help from Greg Macdonell I hope to be there shortly after the first of the year.

Dick H

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

Randy, You might suggest to the fellow who runs the shoe and club repair that he peruse Doc's web site for lots of information on fitting and repair.

Jack Coates's picture

Submitted by Jack Coates (not verified) on

An inspireing clip. I'm also 73 and like Dick have found a renewed love for the game thanks to the Surge Swing. It is easy on the back and many of the old aches and pains are gone; I may even start walking again.
I understand that Dick Seeman (your Northeast instructor) will be holding some 1 Day
schools as well as a full 3 day gig at Odessa C.C. with Surge attending. Do you have the info on this?
The video shows Dick has got the swing down - God bless him.

Amos's picture

Submitted by Amos (not verified) on

Robert Meade:

  Way to go !! Sounds like my kind of golf! LOL

   It continually amazes me that  I can be going along shooting mostly bogies, but with a few pars thrown into the mix -- until a "Super senior moment" arrives - and up jumps a couple of double or triple bogies (sometimes even worse!   If only it weren't for those 3 or 4 holes a round, I would easily be about a 12 handicap rather than a 17 !!

     Kepp hitting them STRAIGHT and LONG


Lynn42's picture

Submitted by Lynn42 (not verified) on


Just a great video today.  I'm 4 years younger than Dick and I'd happily take that swing any day.  Nice job, Dick.


Lynn42's picture

Submitted by Lynn42 (not verified) on


Just a suggestion, pick a system that works for you and stick with it.  Otherwise you will be forever confused and stuck in never never land.  Surge's system works for me and my back thanks him every day


Kevin McGarrahan's picture

Submitted by Kevin McGarrahan (not verified) on

Played my first round of golf in 3 weeks today - 98* temp & heat index 102* - at Goose Pond Colony in Scottsboro, AL. I managed 41 on the front and 44 on the back for an 85. My drives were really good, even those that just barely missed the fairway. I hit 7 of 14 fairways and 8 of 18 GIR. The worst part of the round was having 6 three-putt greens. My first putt on each of those was over 45 feet. I unfortunately missed 5 second putts of less than 3 feet. I made 7 pars, including four in a row on the front nine; 9 bogeys; and 2 double-bogeys, both due to three-putts.

My playing partner (7-hcp) remarked on how much more consistent my ball striking has become over the last couple of months.


Boogm's picture

Submitted by Boogm (not verified) on

Delightful video today, Great looking swing, Dick, I can only hope to be that limber and powerful when I get that young! Thanks for the opportunity to see your swing & the new driver.
Happy Golfing, Booger

Russty Kiwi's picture

Submitted by Russty Kiwi (not verified) on

Great video Surge.  It just keeps getting better does'nt it aye. Turns out your a bit of a driver collector as well. Nice to see you boys hitting some balls

Tony Down Under's picture

Submitted by Tony Down Under (not verified) on

Hi Don
I am a new convert (still learning) your fantastic swing and I am also lefthanded. I have had a history of knee issues with my right knee and at age 60 I amnow on a 33 handicap after getting to 15 at age 40! The rotational swing no longerworks for me as I either pull it so far right it is almost impossible to see orblock slice it so far left the ball comes back to me. I have had a break away fromGolf for the past few years and have started playing again every weekend andusually after 18 holes my back and knee is so sore I cannot walk!Will the problems with my right knee affect the "Surge" swing and is thereanything you can advise me to do to minimise any pain? I struggle with therotational swing to transfer my weight and usually hit everything off the backfoot which is very annoying!! My wife has bought us a cruise to Alaska inSeptember and following that for my 60th birthday has booked us into Pebble Beach(one of my bucket list things) for a game. I would appreciate any assistance youcan give as I only have about 6 weeks before I go and I really want to enjoyplaying at Pebble!!

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

John, Surge has already commented on lag and should not have to do it again here, just to start a competition war or argument between him and Paul Wilson, for your benefit. Just listen to both and choose the method which suits YOU best. Please resist trying to create an issue of conflict here. We do not claim the SSGS is the only system to swing a golf club, We claim it is the best body friendly way to swing a golf club.


Burt Harris's picture

Submitted by Burt Harris (not verified) on

The reception is terrible -- the video stops every 20-30 seconds and re-loads. This started  last night.

Bill Havers's picture

Submitted by Bill Havers (not verified) on

Reception absolutely fine and very enjoyable, here in Cannes - Southf France, Maybe you computer s at fault?

Bill Havers

Robert Bgolfer2 Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Bgolfer2... (not verified) on

Sounds like you had a fairly good round Kevin. Robert F and I got a quick 9 in this morning before I had to go to work. Tee off at 5:45am so we beat the heat. Was only around 85*.
I had a mix of the 4 pars, 2 doubles and 3 bogies, 2- 3 putts, 2- one putts and 5-2 putts for a 43. What I was most proud of was recovering well following each double. Kept my calm and finished well. 5 on #17 which is a good bogie on this long uphill dogleg left. Had a 5 on the last hole the par 5 #18. 10 feet short of the green I bumped an iron to 3 feet and made the putt and yelled out, "finally finished strong!"
Went to work happy.

Rfreisi's picture

Submitted by Rfreisi (not verified) on

T Medley,

Thanks very much for that info.  It gives me some good places to start, and the piece by Don I had missed or forgotten. I'll do some trial and error.  Unfortunately, I live in a pretty remote place, at least with respect to golf instruction, fitters, stores, etc. The guy who cut down my driver runs a shoe repair shop and does golf repair as a side.  The Surge videos and the blog are a real lifeline.  Thanks again.


Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

The stopping and starting is because either your computer or your internet provider is slow.
I run into that occasionally, one time it lasted for months. All you have to do is start the video and hit the pause button and let it load and then you can watch it uninterrupted.

Roy Reed's picture

Submitted by Roy Reed (not verified) on

Tom:  So very very true!  Too bad so many folks don't take the time to do a little "research" before they start asking questions.  I guess all we can do is keep pointing them in the right direction.  Thanks for all your help and the great work you do in keeping things running smoothly.  Have a great day!  R2

tiptoeskst's picture

Submitted by tiptoeskst on

Is it 20 emails notifying you of the daily video, or 20 emails notifying that a new comment on the video has posted?  I think the latter is the more likely scenario as I know first hand that the notification for the daily email only goes out once, in which case it is not the fault of this website but rather that you checked the box in DISQUS to notify you of follow-up comments.  So it is a function of DISQUS blog software, and not this website.  I'm not sure how to rectify that for this instance, but in future do not select that option when posting a comment using DISQUS.

Roy Reed's picture

Submitted by Roy Reed (not verified) on

T:  Thanks for your patience.  Nice reply and you are right on!  :-)  R2 

CharlieY's picture

Submitted by CharlieY (not verified) on

Steve, I do one more thing, if the video gives me an option. I switch it from 360p to 240p on an expectation that a lower quality will take less bandwidth.  Sometimes, there is no 240p option.

It seems to work, and I don't notice any loss of sharpness unless I expand the video to full screen.

Roy Reed's picture

Submitted by Roy Reed (not verified) on

John:  As T. Medley said, this subject has already been covered by the Surge.  The two swings are very different, and Paul Wilson has a very different "take" on establishing lag than Don.  Paul uses excessive wrist hinge, reverse tilt, excessive body sway, and a lot of hip turn to generate lag. This all adds up to more angles and more "unfriendly" body actions.  Please take the time to view the video referenced by T.   Have a great day.  R2

Ron's picture

Submitted by Ron on

seems you have stopped the alternate viewing choice for those of us who cant get u-tube. please reinstate it.

Boogm's picture

Submitted by Boogm (not verified) on

Very nice round,Kevin, sounds like you have the swing & game in control.I'm sure the putting will come around with patient practice. I'm hoping to get out some time tomorrow for some sort of golf activity.I think we have a school meeting for Josh and I'm hoping to work around that.I plan on taking in lots of fluids and carrying plenty of towels...going to be brutal again tomorrow but I need the real work.

Tom Jans's picture

Submitted by Tom Jans (not verified) on


We are making some major changes to the website this week and so have held off getting the golf school information updated. The three day school with Dave Seeman and Surge you reference is scheduled for September 9,10 and 11 at Odessa National Golf Course in Townsend, DE. You can reach Dave at (302) 373-4783 or you can call Debbie Bragg who handles reservations for the school. Her number is (864) 285-0318.

Tom Jans

Rfreisi's picture

Submitted by Rfreisi (not verified) on

Interesting video that leaves me with a question maybe some of you can answer.  I have had my driver shaft cut down but as far as I know no weight was added.  How do I do this.  Don mentions lead tape.  Doe that go on the driver head (and if so, where?) or on the base of the shaft or inside the shaft?  Thanks for any help.


Kevin McGarrahan's picture

Submitted by Kevin McGarrahan (not verified) on

Thanks, Boog. The putting is there as long as I can avoid the "senior moments." Watch out tomorrow. It is supposed to be the worst day temperature-wise of the year.

jim's picture

Submitted by jim on


Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

I've been having to do this a lot lately since I'm watching the videos on my iPad via a slow public WiFi connection when I'm not at home. A minor annoyance for a great benefit.

Robert Bgolfer2 Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Bgolfer2... (not verified) on

Really enjoyed todays driver coverage and the inspiring Dick Higgins. I met Dick and his wife Chrystal at last years PPGS Golf Tourny. Neat couple that are enjoying their twilight years. Truely inspirational. And yes he can still hit the ball well. To see someone twenty years my senior working on becoming a single diget HDC is great motivation. I hope to see them again in Las Vegas in September. It's going to be a mega golf week for all that make a way to be here.

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

Thanks Robert yes it was better all around for both of us. Always good pal, have a good week.
I know they've been working on the lost dailies for some time, just was hoping for an update.

Tom Jans's picture

Submitted by Tom Jans (not verified) on

This is a suggestion for all when you are looking for something that may have been covered on the blog before. Use the Search box in the middle of the right hand column on this page and type in a few keywords on what you are looking for. The search tool is pretty good at helping you narrow down your search.

And as my mother used to say, "God helps those who help themselves!"

Tom Jans

Dwzito's picture

Submitted by Dwzito (not verified) on

I was inspired by this video. I am 74 and have used the vertical swing since I subscribed to the 10 lessons. I also purchased the manual and refer to the bonus and other videos on your site daily. Since I have been using your method, I have shot my age or better 17 times. The lowest was a 69. I have pushed your method with all my golfing buddies and they are becoming believers. I have played to scratch with other methods but only when I was younger and my body could handle the stress. Your method has saved my game. I have recently moved to the members tees instead of the championship tees and find it easier to score in the mid to low 70's. Thanks Don. I really appreciate your daily videos. I learn something new every day.