T-Finish Position
I've started to notice a trend on the PGA TOUR, and I think it's hurting some players from playing their best golf. The finish position is critical to repeatedly hitting straight shots. But, what I'm seeing is a large number of both professional and amateur golfers finishing too far left after... more
"Poptarting" is a term I like to use when describing how to swing up to the T-finish position after impact. I want you to stand up as fast as possible after making contact with the ball, just like a pop tart pops up out of a toaster when it's done cooking! Using your neck muscles is a good way... more
No matter how good you are at playing golf, you've still got to be able to fine tune your setup and swing. Most problems in your swing are directly related to your setup, so it's important that you work on both on a consistent basis.
Today's topic stems from my own observations of late. I've been noticing that a lot of students have an abrupt, short finish. They aren't swinging up to the T-finish position, which means they aren't recoiling and relaxing either. This is a big issue because cutting off your finish is really bad... more
I haven't spent a lot of time discussing the finish position of the Peak Performance Golf Swing, so I thought today would be perfect. The T-Finish Position is one of the calling cards of the PPGS. Your finish is important no matter what type of swing you use, but it's especially important if you... more
Your finish position is just as important as any other part of the swing, especially when you're using the Peak Performance Golf Swing. The T-Finish position is a term I use to describe where you should be at the end of your swing, while facing your target.