Daily Video Blog

Authored by: Brady
Posted on: 20 July 2024
Comments: 42


Don Trahan was born in New Bedford, Massachusetts. His father introduced him to the game of golf when he was ten years old. By the age of twelve, Don was a scratch golfer and a member of New Bedford Public Links, now called Whaling City Golf Club (known as The Whale).

Don graduated from Bishop Stang Catholic High School in 1967. He was the top player on the high school golf team all four years he attended. Trahan then attended Southeastern Massachusetts University (Now University of Massachusetts, North Dartmouth) where he was again the top player on the golf team all four years he attended. He is a member of Delta Kappa Phi fraternity. He graduated in 1971 with a double major in political science and history with plans to become a corporate attorney.

Trahan met his wife, Susan, while attending college. The two married in 1973 and moved to Port Orange, Florida where Don would begin his effort to obtain his PGA Tour Card. From there, Don took an... Read More

Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 4 January 2016
Comments: 2
I recently read an article about when it comes to the game of golf, you can teach an old dog new tricks. Really, it all comes down to your mental game and whether or not you believe you can learn... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 30 December 2015
Comments: 9
I receive a large volume of positive feedback from golfers who have switched to the Peak Performance Golf Swing. Most say they've never hit the ball better and with so much consistency. But, one of... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 23 December 2015
Comments: 16
Many golfers insist on using a forward press before they start their takeaway and backswing. As with most things when it comes to golf, I'm on the opposite side of the road compared to other... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 12 December 2015
Comments: 10
One of the most common swing mistakes that amateurs make is swinging from the inside out. This can make it very challenging to hit the ball relatively straight, which should actually be the easiest... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 9 December 2015
Comments: 1
I've been teaching golf for a long time and can honestly say I've never had someone ask me about how to help a blind golfer...until now. Yes, that's right, even people who are blind enjoy playing... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 5 December 2015
Comments: 12
Today's video is in response to a comment I received from a Surgite who says he hits up on the ball. Though I'm a big advocate against hitting down on the ball, that doesn't mean I want you to think... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 2 December 2015
Comments: 7
Today's video is all about the old adage that keeping your head down after impact is the best way to make solid contact. Well, I'm here to tell you that keeping your head down is most likely leading... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 28 November 2015
"Poptarting" is a term I like to use when describing how to swing up to the T-finish position after impact. I want you to stand up as fast as possible after making contact with the ball, just like a... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 25 November 2015
Comments: 2
Today I'll go over how to properly lift the golf club in your backswing to maximize your driving distance. It's all about swinging and maintaining a light club, because you can swing a light club a... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 21 November 2015
Comments: 5
Using your knees in the transition is critical for having a good impact position. Move them too much or too little and you'll never find the consistency you need to shoot lower scores. The Peak... Read More