Daily Video Blog

Authored by: Brady
Posted on: 20 July 2024
Comments: 42


Don Trahan was born in New Bedford, Massachusetts. His father introduced him to the game of golf when he was ten years old. By the age of twelve, Don was a scratch golfer and a member of New Bedford Public Links, now called Whaling City Golf Club (known as The Whale).

Don graduated from Bishop Stang Catholic High School in 1967. He was the top player on the high school golf team all four years he attended. Trahan then attended Southeastern Massachusetts University (Now University of Massachusetts, North Dartmouth) where he was again the top player on the golf team all four years he attended. He is a member of Delta Kappa Phi fraternity. He graduated in 1971 with a double major in political science and history with plans to become a corporate attorney.

Trahan met his wife, Susan, while attending college. The two married in 1973 and moved to Port Orange, Florida where Don would begin his effort to obtain his PGA Tour Card. From there, Don took an... Read More

Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 23 July 2015
Comments: 2
In the Peak Performance Golf Swing, the head should stay still from takeaway to impact. That means your practice swing should follow the same rules.  I had a question come in that asked about PGA... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 14 July 2015
Comments: 16
Becoming a solid ball striker can transform your game. Your head movement plays a critical role, so it's important to keep it still. Don't be fooled by rotational swing instructors telling you it's... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 8 July 2015
Comments: 1
One of the requirements of any golf shot is to keep your head still. But, this is especially true when it comes to putting. I used to battle what I call "wandering eyes" when putting, until the ... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 30 June 2015
Comments: 8
I recently played golf with my good buddy, Jack Moore. For those of you who may not know, Jack is a phenomenal putter who learned his technique from one of the greatest of all time. Click here to... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 24 June 2015
Comments: 6
Do you ever warm up before a round? Many golfers think this just means going to the range before the 1st tee, but what about stretching? In any physical activity such as golf, it's important that you... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 20 June 2015
Comments: 5
I recently posted a video about the importance of a square clubface after a Surgite wrote in to discuss the subject. Well, today I want to dive in a little deeper, especially with regards to your... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 14 June 2015
Comments: 5
Some golfers like to waggle the club at address. I've seen others milk or re-grip it continuously before settling into their shot. I don't mind a waggle or two as long as it leads to consistent... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 11 June 2015
Comments: 3
I love when Surgites around the world send in emails about successes they're having. Today I want to share a story from Ray, who expressed that a flying front elbow (first time I've ever heard that... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 10 June 2015
Comments: 2
Do you ever have a swing thought during a round that helps you hit better shots? Perhaps you have a eureka moment on the driving range before your round. Regardless, if you're constantly thinking... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 6 June 2015
Comments: 10
Well, it's been just about a year since my most recent open heart surgery. My strength is now to the point where I'm hitting my clubs about the same distance I was before my surgery, and very likely... Read More