Daily Video Blog

Authored by: Brady
Posted on: 20 July 2024
Comments: 42


Don Trahan was born in New Bedford, Massachusetts. His father introduced him to the game of golf when he was ten years old. By the age of twelve, Don was a scratch golfer and a member of New Bedford Public Links, now called Whaling City Golf Club (known as The Whale).

Don graduated from Bishop Stang Catholic High School in 1967. He was the top player on the high school golf team all four years he attended. Trahan then attended Southeastern Massachusetts University (Now University of Massachusetts, North Dartmouth) where he was again the top player on the golf team all four years he attended. He is a member of Delta Kappa Phi fraternity. He graduated in 1971 with a double major in political science and history with plans to become a corporate attorney.

Trahan met his wife, Susan, while attending college. The two married in 1973 and moved to Port Orange, Florida where Don would begin his effort to obtain his PGA Tour Card. From there, Don took an... Read More

Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 1 June 2015
Comments: 6
Do you check your clubface before you set up to the ball? A square clubface is critical to hitting the ball at your intended target. It's very easy to overlook the position of the clubface,... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 20 May 2015
Comments: 21
Doc Griffin is back with a house call to discuss who should get fit for golf clubs and when. One argument that Doc hears a lot relates to golfers that would rather wait to get fit for a custom set of... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 6 May 2015
Comments: 10
Do you ever hit a shot in a bunker only to find that the last golfer that was in there didn't rake it? Today I want to discuss all the ways in which golfers can, and should, treat the golf course.... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 15 April 2015
Comments: 22
No golfer likes to hear the "S" word during a round. That's right, I'm referring to the shanks. Even I prefer to call them hosel rockets, but a question was sent in that asked how golfers can avoid... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 2 April 2015
Comments: 10
Most of the golfers who migrate to the PPGS know about the T-finish position. But, do you know why I call it that? It's about more than just the position of your arms! If you stand up correctly after... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 24 March 2015
Comments: 6
There are a lot of reasons why the Peak Performance Golf Swing is easier to learn. For starters, it's the most body-friendly swing being taught today, so that means you can immediately play more golf... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 14 March 2015
Comments: 3
It's important to understand that my swing methods aren't just based on my own personal opinion of how to swing a golf club. The PPGS is the best way to swing a golf club because all of its elements ... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 4 March 2015
Comments: 2
Golf is all about hitting your targets. But, if you're not sure where your target is, how can you ever expect to hit it? Even if you've picked out a target and know exactly where you're trying to hit... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 24 February 2015
Comments: 34
One of the easiest ways to spot a PPGS golfer is to look at the position of their feet in the setup. If they're set up correctly, you will see that each foot is flared out instead of pointing... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 5 February 2015
Comments: 10
The Peak Performance Golf Swing works for golfers of all shapes and sizes. Whether you're a male golfer with a big belly or a female golfer with large breasts, the vertical swing enables these types... Read More