Lower Trajectory With Driver

Wed, 02/22/2012 - 22:40 -- Don Trahan

Ed Lyndsay down in Naples, Flordida sent in this question a little while ago:

"A subject I have not seen you address is the elevation of ball flight. I have been using the Surge swing for almost a year, I'm 81, 5'5" tall, 145 lbs, 15 index and use a 10.5 degree driver. I hit a high ball and get about 190 yds. Occasionally, I will get a lower trajectory and the ball will go another 10 to 15 yards. Any thoughts on how I might develop a consistent lower trajectory?"

Indeed I do, Ed. Watch the video for what I consider the "undergraduate course" in how to hit a drive with a lower trajectory. There are a number of ways to accomplish this depending on what the specific set of conditions you are facing. It's tough to cover completely in 7-8 minutes, but I'll give it a go! [For the "graduate" level course on this topic, plus a lot more, check out my instructional video, Working The Ball. It has everything you need to know in order to shape a shot precisely the way you want.]

Keep it vertical!

The Surge

If you can't view the YouTube video above try CLICKING HERE. You must allow popups from this site for the link to work.

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Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

We have to make our best guess on the amount of roll out if we are hitting to a target.

Sometimes that's easier said than done, even for the pros. Just how firm and fast a fairway or a green is going to be is as important as the actual distance and we all guess wrong quite a bit. No worse feeling than to stand there admiring the shot as it hits beside the pin only to watch it bounce off of the back of the green.

Around here where I live most the greens are all about the same and it's pretty easy to stop a ball within a few feet one way or the other from where it hits, even with a three iron.

One course we have been playing a lot of late has little turtle shaped greens that are very firm and the only chance with anything shorter than a 5 iron is to land it either just short of the green or on the front edge and depend on a good bounce and roll.

Doc Griffin's picture

Submitted by Doc Griffin (not verified) on

I totally agree with the dispensation of superfluousness verbiage that you have so eloquently bestowed upon us here on the Swing Surgeon Blog.  It is apparent that the excessive use of words, often necessary to communicate in a clear and concise manner, is most assuredly  beyond the scope of intellectual necessity.  But, as you stated in past blasts you need more visual, charts, slow motion, diagrams, etc in order to get the complete picture.  So, I am of the opinion that you are more or less a visual learner and not quite adept at the understanding of the instruction and material expounded here in verbal form.  In light of this revelation, I do hereby promise that in my next video I will show some restraint in using words to "paint" a picture and I will enlist the aid of my grand daughter and have her draw some pictures for you.   Oh well, I just plain talk too much.  Get over it! 

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

Me too, as the saying goes. I have every shot in the bag, I just don't know when they're coming. Causes a bit of aggravation at times, but I think it's my shadow's fault. He follows me everywhere I go.What a jerk!


TeeOn13's picture

Submitted by TeeOn13 (not verified) on

Robert M.  and all fellow Surgites:

Just received my analysis from Dave Seaman.  Very impressed and quite surprised that I'm almost "there".

Feedback consists of Dave's comments and recommendations plus side by side comparison of my swing to Surge's!

Suggested drills to improve my swing are also included.

Since there is no SSGS Instructor in Chicago, program is long over due and welcomed.

Thanks to Surge and Dave for developing On-line Coaching!

Tee On 13

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

If he wasn't hurt he missed a good chance to be. ;-)
I like the one that was doing his best to hang on and destroying his treadmill in the process. There had to be a point where he knew he was fighting a losing battle.

Doc Griffin's picture

Submitted by Doc Griffin (not verified) on

My question would be how did you "cock" the driver in and out?  Change the position of the grip in the hand or just turn the toe in and out as you stood at address.  If the later, then you'll return the club to a normal position as you swing.  If you actually turn the club head in or out and then grip the club in the neutral position, it will affect ball flight.

Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on

Hey Envelope

How is this for short, sweet, and to the point?

Get back under your bridge, you TROLL!!!!!!


Doc Griffin's picture

Submitted by Doc Griffin (not verified) on

It is quite possible but he asked about what he could do with swing to lower ball flight which is what Surge works with.  At 81, I'd have to think that club head speed would have diminished some.  So, I'm surprised that he is still using a 10.5*.  The fact that he sometimes hits it lower and gets more roll out tends to make me think he possible hits down on the ball a bit and creates more back spin which will result in less roll out and higher ball flight.

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

You are correct in your statement. The why's and the wherefore's are definitely beyond you. To try and explain would do no good and serve no purpose, because the understanding is, as you say Beyond You. It seems there is a quite a bit that is beyond your understanding and acceptance. The only unwanted diatribes, is your incessant whining about something which the majority of us desire. It is a shame that you are so narcissistic and cannot allow yourself to abide or tolerate what is obviously preferred by the majority.  It must be tough being you, and having to live with other people constantly in your way.

Here's hope for a little more acceptance and tolerance of others.

Dennis Sabo's picture

Submitted by Dennis Sabo (not verified) on

Using the Surge swing-all irons are on fire and consistent.  Just today I am popping the ball straight up with the driver, any ideas as to why?   Tee height?  My arms,feet, and stance are all OK.  Any help



Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on


Now I have a headache, and I got a paper cut thumbing through the dictionary.


T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on


You need to keep that in your pants and stop all that cocking. Especially in public. LOL or Ha Ha, Just childish humor.

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

I know the ailment well. I have actually had mine bounce backwards after hitting in the fairway. Not as prevalent now, but with the old rotational swing it was a big problem.

Dragonhead's picture

Submitted by Dragonhead (not verified) on

WTF do you want for nothing? [WTF is usually Wrist To Floor measurement. In your case I am guessing yours is about ground level.Your comments are of the knuckle dragging variety]
You wouldn't be satisfied were it to turn you suddenly into a scratch player.You would still find fault.What a miserable existence you must lead.
I am not usually this confrontational, but in your case I will make an exception. This site doesn't need miserable old grumps, with nothing better to do than whinge and moan.
Do us all a favour and take a hike. You might find the solitude and lack of verbal diarrhoea and diatribes while hiking suits everyone,you included,ie, you would not have to watch or listen, and we would not be subjected to your hissy fits. Win-Win n'est pas? : - ]

My apologies to fellow Surgites for responding in such a basic manner.
Go Surge, Go Doc, Go Dave Seeman, Go Greg McDonnell and Begone Evopeln623.
PMGAS and I intend to.

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

Check your ball position and try choking down a little on the driver. There's a good chance it's too long for you.

Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on


I saved it.

Thanks pal,

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on


Many balls claim to be anti-slice or less side spin. Those are the ones I primarily use, However, At times, I believe I could actually slice Doc's bowling ball.  I do roll a slight right to left hook. Seems so much easier with a bowling ball. It would be hard to get into the cup though.


T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

 Congrats Phil. I am looking forward to having mine done sometime this Spring, when I get out of this cast, get some therapy done and knock some of the winter rust off. I doubt that I will be anywhere near, almost there.


Dennis Sabo's picture

Submitted by Dennis Sabo (not verified) on

Thanks Robert.  I'm a new golfer so I'll try those suggestions.  Can you be more specific re: ball position.  I have it just inside left heel.

Dragonhead's picture

Submitted by Dragonhead (not verified) on

 Steve, Thanks for your thoughts. I am happy at the moment with my distances and general directions. As I wrote above. I had not been nudging in the right elbow during the setup. I went through all my notes etc, and found it down as a "critical" part of the setup. I will know once the weather eases off here. Dry at the moment but ominously dark, with a promise of more rain. boohoo hahahaha.
I know the frustration of hitting a good shot to see it disappearing over the back. Surge has brought me almost pain free golf and given me a swing I won't give up whatever happens. Have a great day where you are and PMG Thanks again DH
PS Yesterday had noodles for lunch.Reason? In China it was 'Dragon Head Raising Day! heh heh heh DH

Doc Griffin's picture

Submitted by Doc Griffin (not verified) on

I have had a bit of trouble working the bowling ball.  Now that ball goes straight but I keep breaking clubs.

Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on


From you lips to my score card, I hope.


Evopeln623's picture

Submitted by Evopeln623 (not verified) on

I have been reading the " text link " only for the last few month's as I can't stand the verbal diarrhoea any longer. Why these 6 to 8 minutes of diatribes  can not be condensed to 2 minutes is beyond me. That goes for the club fitter and other speakers as well.

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

Try setting the ball a little further forward, basically in line with your forward instep (with that foot turned out 30*) and also try not grounding the club behind the ball when you set up with the driver. Hover the face of the club behind the ball roughly how you'd like to hit it.

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

The wife and I went to the range today to video tape my swing for the online analysis program. So I'll look forward to the results and advice. Funny, I am my biggest critic and started guessing what  they'll say after viewing them myself. I'll do my best to reserve judgement and wait until later to humbly accept the help. Should be cool. I'll let you all hear the input I get.

MikefromKy Go Bama. Go Irish's picture

Submitted by MikefromKy Go B... (not verified) on

Now that's to funny. I have been searching my computer for about 4 months for my ppgs manual and the zipped videos and just found them and switch back here and took a drink of ice tea and seen your post and almost had tea coming out my nose had grab my nose to keep from spraying all over my keyboard.


Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on


Thanks pal.  You guys always come through for me.


Guest's picture

Submitted by Guest (not verified) on

It is what it is.

Why your 50 word message wasn't condensed to '0' is beyond me.

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

 Thanks for sharing the video. Some of those looked like bodily injury took place.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

 Usually I would be reluctant to see a blogger decide that the site wasn't the right place for them to be. The more well intentioned ideas that are expressed the better. Even those that we would choose to disagree with can get us thinking about a topic and may come up with new alternative ideas.
Even Surge gets ideas for dailies from the ideas on the blog.

In your case I will make an exception and state that nothing you have submitted to date is worth any consideration to me and I will not miss any further of those ridiculous comments.

Each person should click on your "fake picture" (as Dick calls it) and see the great contribution you have made to the blog.

Don't let the door smack you in the arse on the way out.

Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on

Surge Nation

Does anyone remember the video Surge did where he had like 10 balls teed up at different heights.  He went down the line hitting them to different launch angles regardless of how high they were teed up?  In that video Surge said he used how high he finished his swing in the FUS and more or less spine tilt to control his launch angle.  That is how I hit my shots higher or lower.  It works.

Shot an 81 yesterday.  Playing again tomorrow.

Hope everyone who can get out has a great game.


Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

As a lifetime slice proffessional I have discovered that there is no ball that can resist a serious side spin. Sure it may try to go straight but I can get it over any neigboring condo or swimming pool. That's my spin on the subject anyway!
Actually, I have used Surges methodes to some good success getting the ball to curve on purpose and to control the trajectory. Playing in the wind frequently here in the desert you have to know how to keep the ball flight lower. When I pull off the draw correctly it's a thing of beauty and gives me an extra 25-35 yards off the tee.
So the "working the ball" video is very helpful. We still need to learn the applications to get it right. It's all there.

Dgundling's picture

Submitted by Dgundling (not verified) on

A bit of humor. Bought the "working the ball" video.  Watched it and the following day went to the range to try it. On the first attempt I cocked the driver about 30 degrees toe in. Got a perfectly straight shot. Next I tried cocking the driver 30 degrees toe back (open). Again I got a perfectly straight shot. Bridgestone 6 ball and 12.5 degree driver. Oh well.

Dansim54's picture

Submitted by Dansim54 (not verified) on

 I was reading through some comments yesterday and saw yours.  You mentioned not nudging the right elbow in.  I haven't been doing that.  totally forgot about it, in fact.  anyway, I tried it in my house right after I read your comments.  WOW, got me 'loaded right' and when I swung, seemed much easier to get a good vertical swing back and forward.  I hit a few balls in backyard into woods (fun break activity for me as I work out of house) later, and it made a huge difference. 9 iron, 5 iron, even driver - straighter, more solid.  Most importantly it made the set up and my swing feel much more natural and comfortable.  So thanks for your mention of that elbow in!!  I'm itching to get to a range and see how I do....then to a course after the winter.

Lynn42's picture

Submitted by Lynn42 (not verified) on

My pleasure,Dick.  I can handle the easy questions.  I'll leave the tough ones to the experts. ;0)

Just saying's picture

Submitted by Just saying (not verified) on

I would suggest you find another site, if this is so distasteful to your infinitesimal apperceptive mass intellect.

Dgundling's picture

Submitted by Dgundling (not verified) on

I changed the position of the grip in my hand. No effort was made to square up prior to impact. I turned it 30 degrees or so just to see what would happen. In my test case, nothing.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

 Hmmmm. Every shot goes perfectly straight no matter what you do.....Must be nice. Ha ha ha!

Dragonhead's picture

Submitted by Dragonhead (not verified) on

Dansim54  You are very welcome, glad it has helped another golfer on our journey to improve. It is I who should be thanking you.How come you may ask? Well you have at least hit balls and found things as I experienced them.eg, setup,swing,PHLR etc much easier to accomplish. Can't wait for the weather to start behaving itself so I can confirm both your and my findings. PMG [even at the range]and succeed.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

 On purpose? ;-)
I can pretty much work any ball, any time, in any direction, whether I want to or not. Ha ha ha!

Lynn42's picture

Submitted by Lynn42 (not verified) on

I'd offer you a slice of my wife's banana bread for the headace, Dick.  You're on your own with the paper cut. ,0)

MikefromKy Go Bama. Go Irish's picture

Submitted by MikefromKy Go B... (not verified) on


Just curios are you just a bitter cranky person all you do is complain?

Jimgailf's picture

Submitted by Jimgailf (not verified) on


About that low driver shot- You were  not grounding your club for low shot which amounts to teeing lower relative to swing plane - This change alone allows me to hit with lower trajectory

Hit em straight

Jim Fitzpatrick

MikefromKy Go Bama. Go Irish's picture

Submitted by MikefromKy Go B... (not verified) on

 The e6 golf ball employs a newly enhanced Anti-Side Spin Inner Layer that kills excess spin for an even straighter and longer flight.This maybe a hard ball to work.
