What A Club Fitting Does Not Do!

Wed, 05/01/2013 - 12:00 -- Don Trahan

Have you ever wondered what a new set of custom fit golf clubs could do for your game? Are you curious about the process our certified fitters put you through in order to determine the right clubs you need? Well, good fittings take time and there's a lot of measurements and analysis that takes place. But, just because you have clubs that are perfectly fit for you, that doesn't mean you can skip out on your practice sessions.

Today, Doc Griffin is going to elaborate on the club fitting methods that all of our PPGS certified fitters use. He will tell you everything that goes into a club fitting session. Perhaps more importantly, he's going to tell you what a club fitting does NOT do.

It's important to understand the difference, which is why Doc wanted to make today's video. Playing with custom fit clubs is something that I feel is essential to becoming a better player. But, it's not the only way to get better. Check out the video and you'll see what I mean.

Keep it vertical!

The Surge

If you can't view the YouTube video above try CLICKING HERE. You must allow popups from this site for the link to work.


Lynn42's picture

Submitted by Lynn42 on

I've stayed out of the discussion, but just have to add my two cents. I currently play a set of Ping G5s that were "fitted" and I use the term loosely. Based on what I've learned from Doc and others on this site I have my doubts. I did a long distance fitting with Doc for a driver after going through a couple of off the shelf drivers that I had some sucess with, but never satisfactory consistency.

I'm sure the video I sent Doc was not the prettiest version he's ever seen of my attempt at a PPGS swing. LOL. If Doc is honest about it, he'd say it closely resembled an old lady try to swat flies with a broom. Based on that video and other information he requires for a long distance fitting he built a driver that fits me. I may be giving up a few yards, but playing from the short grass is a lot more fun than long and wrong. With a shorter shaft and smaller head (325 ccs ) it outperforms my previous shovelheaded drivers, hands down. I've gotten more than a few comments about how bored I must be playing from the fairway all the time...lol.

When I miss the fairway, and I do. I will tell you it is the indian and not the arrow. It's just this old guys opinion, but if Doc can do that based on a video, I'm a believer. My "bucket list" includes a complete fitting before I get too old to swing a golf club.

Thanks for listening to my PSA. We now go back to our regular programming.

Walburghian's picture

Submitted by Walburghian on

Good video Doc. Looking forward to my Fitting when you visit the UK - just a tad disappointed that you will not be able to fit me with the 300yds Driver I was hoping for! Fairways & Greens.

Kevin McGarrahan's picture

Submitted by Kevin McGarrahan on

I have been doing what I considered great setup and perfect alignment with inconsistent results. I had a EUREKA moment during my practice today. I made a change to how I get the wide knees that might be of interest to a lot of Surgites.

Instead of pushing my knees to the sides (which puts the weight on the outside of my feet), I move my knees toward my flared toes as I accordion down. By doing it this way, I could keep my weight centered over my feet, my knees over my toes, and my body in balance throughout the swing. The best part is that it eliminates the tension I normally feel in my lower body, which in turn makes for an effortless, tension-free swing.

I hope this helps someone. I have struggled with the wide knees for over four years, but that is now a thing of the past. Good golfing, everyone!

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

Weird thing today:

Today when we got to Holston Hills for Mike's practice round he went in the clubhouse and as I was walking down the sidewalk a guy looked at me and said "Hi Mike." Since that is actually my first name I was surprised that somebody might know me in Knoxville.

I guess from my surprised look the guy knew he was mistaken and he said "Oh I thought you were Mike Smith." I told him my name actually is Mike Smith (my first name), and asked him if I knew him from somewhere.

He said "Well I talked to you yesterday here at the club." Then I told him I had never been there in my life but that was a strange coincidence.

I must have a twin running around Knoxville that not only looks like me but has the same name. Ha ha!

Lynn42's picture

Submitted by Lynn42 on

LOL, Steve. If your twin carries a one iron, don't play him for money.

Robert Fleck's picture

Submitted by Robert Fleck on

That's not a twin. It's a clone. I always knew your power had to be the result of a secret government experiment. ;-)

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

Maybe the "OAK RIDGE EXPERIMENTS" went a little further than has been released to the public. Ha ha!

boogmc's picture

Submitted by boogmc on

I'm just catching up to the blog some tonight and couldn't help but respond about Doc's latest video.
First off,thanks Doc, I don't think I've ever heard a more concise definition of an archer in all my life.Secondly, I totally enjoyed the video as a whole, it is always a pleasure to see the "House Calls" when they roll in. The stories of your varied fittings and assumed results were good as well. I remember back to my fitting with you and the expectations I had for my game. For those that don't know, I told Doc I had no delusions about ever playing competitively. I just wanted to spend my upcoming retirement years enjoying this game we all seem to love,playing as many rounds as I could with Josh and my other sons to the best of my ability, getting better as I went along with the PPGS.
Doc led me through my fitting process,and I needed leading, and built me the finest set of clubs I've ever owned. Since the moment I first took them out after the UPS delivery I have loved them.With them I have seen more moments of my own golfing brilliance than before,because my misses have been less severe.
Sadly, I'm currently suffering from injuries that are keeping me off the course and my retirement plan but I hope to one day soon again grace the fairways of my home course.I occasionally chip in the great room to stay in touch with my short game. Like my friend, Mike H, in the great state of South Carolina I still see my better game on the horizon and I'm looking forward to my Doc built Alpha & KZG clubs getting me through the rounds.
Also, like Mike, I may not be posting a lot but that doesn't mean I'm not keeping up with the goings on here in the Surge world.

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade on

Hey pal, it's always good to hear from you and I hope you and your family are well. I also hope that in the near future you are able to once again enjoy the game we love so much. You continue to be an important part of our Surge Nation Family. Glad to know your hanging in there. Nice to read your thoughts.

Mean while give your great room hell! Chipping and putting will be the most important part of the game when you return to the links:)

Take care,

Robert and Cindy Meade

jroberts2873@comcast.net's picture

Submitted by jroberts2873@co... on

Can anybody tell me which were the videos showing Don and DJ "going thru the bag" hitting every club from straight on and down the line. I have lost mine and can not find them(talking with customer service-they don't know which ones they were. HELP
Thanks , Jerry
