Your knees are your levelers and stabilizers, which means they have to maintain that stability throughout the swing. If your left knee (or right knee for lefties) starts to break during your backswing, it's going to cause a reverse tilt which leads to all sorts of other problems. So, how do you... more
In order to successfully swing a golf club, you have to be able to transfer your weight properly at different points in the swing. The best way to accomplish this is to start off with a proper setup position.
Whenever someone who has never heard of the Peak Performance Golf Swing hears the term limited turn, 3/4 backswing, they are usually skeptical and even a little confused.
I'm going to spend today discussing the location of the catcher's mitt. If you're new to the site, today's daily video will also serve as an introduction to the proper takeaway of the Peak Performance Golf Swing. When I refer to the "catcher's mitt," it's meant to describe where the clubhead... more
The key definition of the Peak Performance Golf Swing is that it's a little bit of turn, with a lot of lift. But, just exactly how much lift should there be? Duncan sent in a question about this topic because he felt like his hands were getting too far over his head.
I hope everyone in the Surge Nation had a great weekend and was able to squeeze in a little golf. Today, I want to share some comments that were sent in from one our female followers, TinaB.
I've had people tell me the sacred burial ground sounds kind of scary. Well, that's the idea! You should be frightened any time you even think about letting your club swing into it.
One trademark of the Peak Performance Golf Swing is our wide knees with outward pressure. You want to hold your knees and swing your arms with a limited turn, vertical swing. However, there still needs to be a little bit of a turn, so the left knee will move slightly.
Tempo and timing are two pillars of a well maintained golf swing. Without one, it's hard to have the other. Your backswing and forward upswing are both related to tempo and timing, so it's important to understand how each can affect your overall game.
Some golfers like to use a forward press before they start their swing. This could be with the putter or any other club in the bag. Paul D'Andrea has been experimenting with a forward press and is seeing some success. He wanted to hear my opinion on whether or not using a forward press to start... more
The Peak Performance Golf Swing uses a limited turn. This is one aspect of the swing that I think gets overlooked. We don't want to have a big, rotational swing that gets us deep into the sacred burial ground, but there has to be a turn.
If you're a true vertical swinger, your backswing should follow the path of in the mitt and up the tree. If you aren't sure if you're in the right positions, I've got a checkpoint test for you to use. It should really help you understand the relationship between the toe line and your backswing... more
Today's question comes from one of our female Surgites. Tina B. is having some trouble getting the club vertical in the backswing, and says the only way that she's able to do so is by cocking her wrists at the top of the swing. As you may or may not know, I advocate no wrist cock in the golf... more
If you've ever thought about skipping your backswing and just starting your swing from the top, you're not alone. Steve Ruis sent in an interesting question about the possibility of cutting out the backswing all together. He equated the idea to how a baseball player starts a swing with the bat... more
Today's question comes from David Hayes. He's having trouble slicing the ball and feels his left arm position could be the reason. So, he wanted to know if the left arm (for a right handed golfer) should be straight or slightly bent.
Today I'm going to do something a little different. Instead of providing a tip that I've discovered, I'd like to share one that was sent in by Bob Chipps.
Though the title suggests it, I'm not referring to the origins of the universe in today's daily video. The Big Bang Theory is actually the term I use when talking about the transition and the bump in the Peak Performance Golf Swing.
You've heard me say before that our knees act as our levelers and stabilizers. We don't want to let our knees collapse inward because it will cause us to lose the rest of our angles of the swing. But, in order to control the knees, you must be aware of what your feet are doing.
Whenever I'm asked to provide reasons or cures for a bad swing fault, I try to give more than one because I'm answering questions that are submitted on paper. This means I'm unable to actually see you swing the club, so instead, I have to try and figure it out based on what you've written.
The trademark of the Peak Performance Golf Swing is our setup position with wide knees, outward pressure. It's an easy way to spot a Surgite on the range or the golf course. But, do you know what purpose this particular setup serves?
There has been some confusion regarding the proper vertical position of the club at the top of the backswing. I recently published a daily titled, Picture Worth A Million Words.
Today I'm going to discuss the importance of having wide knees, outward pressure in the backswing. It's come to be known as "riding a skinny horse." It's the classic Surge setup position. When someone recognizes my students on the range, they do so because of the positioning of the knees.
As I've stated in daily videos in the past, amateur golfers tend to hit the ball out near the toe of the club. That's even why club manufacturers build clubs today with sweet spots out near the toe.
Technology has certainly changed the game of golf. By making clubs that are easier to hit like hybrids, the game has grown and reached more people looking to enjoy the game. Here at Swing Surgeon, we're increasing our base of lady Surgites every week.
I enjoy when younger players take to the Peak Performance Golf Swing from a young age because it will most likely add to their longevity. Avoiding injuries is one of the most important things for collegiate and professional athletes.