In order to successfully swing a golf club, you have to be able to transfer your weight properly at different points in the swing. The best way to accomplish this is to start off with a proper setup position.
Because of a question sent in by Joe Hunter, I want to talk about the importance of the master setup position and being pre-loaded heavy right. This is what will allow you to ring the bell and bump correctly, which will enable you to straigthen your arms out at impact and remain behind the ball during contact.
I am now trying your method to get back some of the length I have lost over the years. Can you tell me about weight shift in the backswing?
Joe Hunter
One of the things we always have to talk about when it comes to the PPGS is our setup and how different it is than other swing methods being taught today. Being pre-loaded heavy right allows us to sink or sit onto our back leg, giving us the ability to push off during our forward swing.
We are also one of the only swings that is truly behind the ball at impact. Most other swings pull your hands out in front by rotating your upper body. Our arms can straighten out at impact because we're behind the ball to start. You will have to resist the front knee from breaking, otherwise it will cause you to over-rotate. Once our 3/4 vertical backswing is complete, we ring the bell and bump. The thing you need to remember about your backswing is the importance of maintaining your spine angle. If you try to swing past 3/4, you will end up throwing your balance and spine angle out of whack.
We have to sit or sink into the right side (left side for lefties). The leg should be receiving your weight during your backswing, not rejecting it. If you get pushed forward, it's your body rejecting the weight. Remember, you can't straighten your back leg, otherwise you won't be able to push off it. You push off by allowing the weight to sink into it first.
During my practice swings I always want to feel the weight going down into my back foot before I bump. The right leg has to compress. You can do this by always remembering to get pre-loaded heavy right before you take the club back.
Keep it vertical!
The Surge
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Surge would you be willing to share the manufactures name and model number of the practice net that you use in your back yard.
net report
The net is on the net. Sorry, a bit of humor. This net is pretty cool even as there are a lot of other products available. I will let Surge release this product at an appropriate time.
the net
Ron, according to Don and Brady there some legal aspects about showing the net that have not been worked out yet. When that is completed he will show the entire net, sorry.
I fist asked this question about the practice net 3 months ago and received the same answer. Huh!!
Try this on Google. With a bit of effort it will come up. Good hunting.
easy to set up golf practice net
When is the appropriate time
You can find practice nets at Dicks Sporting Goods, Golf Galaxy, Golfsmith, Edwin Watts Golf etc. You can also search the internet try searching driving range matts or practice nets. What brand to buy is up to you. You get what you pay for when buying matts and nets.
Here is a daily about backyard driving range
Preloading heavy right
Preloading heavy right is very important for most normal shots but it is also easy to overdo. I find it more consistent, to think about moving the tailbone laterally about an inch to the right of center to preload heavy right while setting up.
Thinking about keeping the tailbone at that PLHR position in space, until impact makes it easier to maintain body angles and hit solid shots from any kind of lie. This simple thought gets the whole lower body involved in maintaining a stable base for the arm swing. All of my fairway shots got better, when I started using this thought, about a year ago.
An added benefit for me. is that the bump just happens without any conscious thought, because it is a natural move for the tailbone to move back towards the target, while the lower body supports the swinging arms.