Mental Game
Very often, I hear amateur golfers on golf courses and in classes hurt their game by getting "wrapped around the axle" of the bad shot they just made. But the truth is, who cares - do the next shot right.
I recently read an article about when it comes to the game of golf, you can teach an old dog new tricks. Really, it all comes down to your mental game and whether or not you believe you can learn something new.
We all know the mental game plays a huge role in being successful at any sport, but this is especially true for golf. Yet, a lot of times, we lose our ability to stay positive.
Today, I'll finish up my lesson with Keenan by talking about the importance of taking notes and keeping stats. This is an area of the game that I think most amateurs don't even think about. They may know how many greens and fairways they hit, but I'm talking about real useful, detailed stats.
Do you ever have a swing thought during a round that helps you hit better shots? Perhaps you have a eureka moment on the driving range before your round. Regardless, if you're constantly thinking about your swing fundamentals and ways in which you can execute them properly, keeping a notepad in... more
Do you ever hit a shot in a bunker only to find that the last golfer that was in there didn't rake it? Today I want to discuss all the ways in which golfers can, and should, treat the golf course.
Here at Swing Surgeon Golf, our full length videos are by far the best way to learn the Peak Performance Golf Swing. But, my short video tips that I publish throughout the week on this interactive blog provide a ton of useful information as well.
There are so many websites out there claiming that one little trick can help you add 40 - 50 more yards to your game. But, that's simply not realistic. If you work hard, you're going to become a better golfer, but I'll never tell you that the PPGS will automatically allow you to hit the ball 50... more
Earlier in the week, I talked about one of our most popular full length videos, "Working the Ball". Today, I'm going to talk about its must-have companion, "Situational Shots: On the Course".
I can't tell you how many times I've witnessed an amateur golfer get so angry after a poor golf shot that the rest of their round is ruined. The poor shot comes to define their whole day on the course and consumes them mentally.
Golf is a sport that can humble you very quickly. Bad shots can creep up out of nowhere and suddenly you find yourself struggling to get back on track. The key to moving on from a bad shot is to forget about it. You need to find a way to let it go.
Golf is a game of misses and the golfer that misses best, usually wins.
Golf is a sport that tests our patience. If you are a short tempered individual, a poor golf shot can likely have a negative effect on the rest of your round. Having the right mindset can go a long way when it comes to lowering your scores.
Do you have an unconventional swing thought that helps you hit the ball more solidly and consistently? If you answered yes, you're not alone. A lot of golfers use unorthodox swing thoughts in order to get the club positioned correctly at impact.
What's the best way to take your game from the practice range to the golf course? It's a question I get asked a lot, most recently by Jan Gourlay. Many golfers like Jan think that they swing much better on the range than on the course.
Regardless of how good you're hitting the ball, the mental side of the game can be even more important. That's because when you play a round of golf, you're introducing more aspects besides just beating balls on the range. You have to analyze each shot, which can be a daunting task during a four... more
It brings me great pleasure to read today's comment from a long time Surgite, Amos. He sent in a wonderful story about the best round of golf he's ever played. The letter was actually addressed to all of you, which is why I wanted to share it.
Instead of responding to a question from the Surge Nation today, I'm going to talk about something that has become far too common in the game of golf. I noticed it when I was playing with a student earlier this year.
You've all heard about the importance of a strong mental game. If you easily become frustrated after a bad swing it will generally lead to poorer shots and higher scores. This is definitely true, but I believe there's other aspects of the mental game that probably get overlooked by most golfers... more
One of the most challenging things in golf is staying positive in the midst of a bad round. Having a strong mental game is a huge part of the game and can really be the difference between salvaging a score or going down in flames.