Daily Video Blog

Authored by: Brady
Posted on: 20 July 2024
Comments: 42


Don Trahan was born in New Bedford, Massachusetts. His father introduced him to the game of golf when he was ten years old. By the age of twelve, Don was a scratch golfer and a member of New Bedford Public Links, now called Whaling City Golf Club (known as The Whale).

Don graduated from Bishop Stang Catholic High School in 1967. He was the top player on the high school golf team all four years he attended. Trahan then attended Southeastern Massachusetts University (Now University of Massachusetts, North Dartmouth) where he was again the top player on the golf team all four years he attended. He is a member of Delta Kappa Phi fraternity. He graduated in 1971 with a double major in political science and history with plans to become a corporate attorney.

Trahan met his wife, Susan, while attending college. The two married in 1973 and moved to Port Orange, Florida where Don would begin his effort to obtain his PGA Tour Card. From there, Don took an... Read More

Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 17 November 2015
Comments: 3
We all know the mental game plays a huge role in being successful at any sport, but this is especially true for golf. Yet, a lot of times, we lose our ability to stay positive. I'm here to tell you... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 10 November 2015
Comments: 13
There are many golf instructors today that claim they teach a body-friendly golf swing. "Body-friendly" is a really great term, but I'm continuing to see it misused far too frequently.  What bothers... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 6 November 2015
Comments: 15
Today I'm going to show you how to increase your swing speed. With the Peak Performance Golf Swing, your power and distance is directly related to how fast you swing your arms. But, there's other... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 27 October 2015
Comments: 8
We received another outstanding message from the Surge Nation regarding the grip. Robert F. wrote in to say that he had a moment of clarity about his grip pressure, so I wanted to share it with... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 22 October 2015
Comments: 7
Today is a sad day for the Surge Nation. Our dear friend and long time Surgite, Harold Lovette, has passed away. Harold was a good golfer but an even better person. In today's video, I'll share some... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 13 October 2015
Comments: 3
The Surge Nation truly is global because today I'll be answering a question that was sent in all the way from Switzerland! The question referred to the PPGS Swing Manual and the vertical incline... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 5 October 2015
Comments: 8
Today I'll briefly talk about a popular golf training aid, The Orange Whip. There's actually things about this particular device that I like, and some that I don't like. I like that the Orange Whip... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 27 September 2015
Comments: 3
I received another testimonial from a converted rotational golfer, and the results are simply amazing. He's now able to play an entire round of golf while maintaining complete control of the golf... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 17 September 2015
Comments: 5
Another great submission was sent in from Ray Johnson, who is currently playing his best golf. Ray has been using the Peak Performance Golf Swing for a couple years now, and has enjoyed the... Read More
Authored by: Don Trahan
Posted on: 9 September 2015
Today I just wanted to share a touching story of a young boy who raised $25,000 for cancer research after playing a marathon day of golf, dedicated to his close friend. Ryan McGuire played a... Read More